Cogtoolz Wellness Planners (undated)


New Undated Cogtoolz Planners! Start your health journey any time!

The Wellness Planner includes cognitive behavioral tools to help you feel more calm, confident, and content. Many of the tools help to reduce anxiety and depression by assisting you in re-shaping your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

  • 12 months worth of calendar pages
    • Open Layout (useful for journaling or writing appointments)
    • Tools included in weekly layout: GRAPES, Thought Records, Gratitude List, DEESC Script prompt, "I'm strong because..."
    • Other tools include: Grid in month view for tracking scores (e.g., anxiety, depression, stress, happiness), Thought Tracking, and a Safety Plan
    • Size: 6x9
    • Frosted cover protector, 16pt cardstock cover, 70lb paper throughout, wire-o binding

    Available Colors: Black, Green, Dark Pink, Blue, and Purple

    For orders of more than 20 planners, please email


      6 items left

      Type: Weekly Planner